Nofitech and Hardingsmolt sign contract
Nofitech in 2nd Place in Prestigious Nordic Award
Nofitech have signed a contract with Great Northern Salmon
ModulRAS – a well proven RAS concept
We design and deliver ModulRAS facilities for all phases of the production process; smolt, postsmolt, grow out and broodstock. Nofitech Academy means safe operation from day one through a unique training program in biology, water chemistry and technical operations. We also have our own follow-up program to support our customers during the operational phase.
Cost-efficient and compact
The combination of compact design and extensive use of standardized prefabricated units provides a lower total cost than similar facilities. The compact patented structure provides short pipelines, less footprint and is designed to prevent accumulation of sediments. Construction and design are developed for production with freshwater and production in the most demanding environments with seawater.
Nofitech Academy. A unique training program
To ensure efficient operation from day one, we have developed a dedicated training program for operational personnel through the Nofitech Academy. The system includes e-learning and operations manual, and consists of both basic and advanced training courses.
We also offer operational support as needed and keep regular contact with the operations management team after delivery.